Welcome and enjoy your meal
The Michieli-Tomić family home is 800 years old. The house features a wine cellar and a restaurant.
The wine cellar is preserved and with all its antique objects and customs. There is a turan – a wine press, a hail – an oil press, a mill – a hand mill for wheat and corn, an old honey extractor, stone pots for oil and cheese, wine, prošek (thick and syrupy still wine) and schnapps barrels, as well as and many other things we still use for production, or which serve as museum exhibits so that guests could see and hear how this was all produced in ancient times.
The restaurant has been operating since 1980. In the restaurant, we serve our local products. In terms of beverages, we offer wine, prosecco and more types of local schnapps. In terms of food, we offer prosciutto, cheese, lamb, chicken, veal and pork. Side dishes and salads include ash-roasted potatoes, pickled onions, black and green olives and homemade salads (tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, etc.).
The specialties of the house include prosciutto, cheese, vitalac (offal), lamb on a spit, dishes prepared under a baking bell, olives, pickled onions, ash-roasted potatoes and homemade wine with homemade bread.